The 14th Annual
Trashion Refashion Runway Show
Trashion Refashion 2023, Sunday, April 16, 2023, 7:00 PM at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater.
This vibrant, all‐ages event is a two‐part runway show featuring designs made from refashioned garments or unwanted materials including (but not limited to!) paper and plastic bags, pop tabs, bicycle tires, tablecloths, old clothes, and even pet food containers! Yael Ksander and Devta Kidd will co-emcee. Bloomington Trashion is proud to involve our community of creative designers, performers, businesses, students, and professors year after year.
Proceeds benefit the Center for Sustainable Living (CSL) and Discardia, a CSL project whose mission is to help people reuse, recycle and repurpose clothing & other textiles. Tickets are $15 in advance and $10 for students and children. The tickets will go up to $20 on the day of the show.
Tickets are available at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater box office.
Photo Albums
Emcees Yaël Ksander & Nicki Stewart Ingersoll
Yaël Ksander is modeling a Trashion design Picture Perfect by Betty Davis. Materials include National Geographic pages, VHS tape crocheted with bits of yarn, scraps of shelf liner, mesh produce bags, a broken retractable tape measure, and bits of old jewelry & ribbon.
Nicki Stewart Ingersoll is modeling a Trashion design Sash-A Into The Night by Bettina Kehoe. Materials include black spandex sashes with rosettes and trimmed with gold ribbon.
Title Sponsor

Premier Sponsor

Premier Sponsor

Quick Change
Designer: Sydney Shoemaker
Model: Sydney Shoemaker
Materials Used: old prom dress and a curtain
Forever Jean
Designer: Lori Frye
CoDesigner: Carmen Frye
Model: Carmen Frye
Materials Used: sequin dress, denim skirt, and jeans
Designer: Clio Radewan
CoDesigner: Ruby & Brad Laster
Model: Clio Radewan
Materials Used: old dress and shower curtain
Polyester Mishmash
Designer: Jane Matranga
Model: Sadie Stewart Ingersoll
Materials Used: dresses, skirts, blouses and scarves
Recital Memories
Designer: Betty Davis
Model: Ellie Wiltz
Materials Used: 2 dance recital costumes, mother’s scarves nightgowns and lingerie, and Halloween fairy costume
The Three Cat Coat
Designer: Tatyana Kuzmina
Model: Valeria Van Hoff
Materials Used: red cardigan with cats, red felt, black faux fur, black lining, white Christmas tree winterizer
The Red Dazzle Dress
Designer: Evelina Kruize
Model: Evelina Kruize
Materials Used: sequin fabric and tulle
Viking Bride
Designer: Sonya Lee
Model: Kelsey Bailey
Materials Used: iron scorched material and fur scraps
Swing Dance
Designer: Sonya Lee
Model: Dylan Dix
Materials Used: skirt, 2 purse straps, broken necklace, sequin fabric
Langshan doodle
Designer: Cynthia Roberts
Model: Noelle Herhusky-Schneider
Materials Used: black glown, red skirt lining, red and black dress, black velvetee from a skirt and vintage slip
Buttercream Buttercup
Designer: Lilah Streiff
Model: Lilah Streiff
Materials Used: bedsheet, discarded jeans, belt and cowboy boots
Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream
Designer: Sophia Wang
Model: Sophia Wang
Materials Used: hoodie and denim jacket
Pants suit?
Designer: Lainey Wagner
Model: Lainey Wagner
Materials Used: pants and safety pins
Casual Khaki
Designer: Isabel Hawes
Model: Ellie Wiltz
Materials Used: old khaki pants, scrap polyester and ribbon
Pants Only
Designer: Tatyana Kuzmina
Model: Tatyana Kuzmina
Materials Used: man’s slacks and Goodwill suspenders
Cara Mia
Designer: Marissa Mendez
Model: Marissa Mendez
Materials Used: maxi skirt, 2 midi skirts, open front shirt, rhinestones and ribbons
Just a T-shirt
Designer: Isabel Hawes
Model: Sadie Stewart Ingersoll
Materials Used: scrap from t-shirts, bandanas and elastic
Floral Piece by piece
Designer: Sue McCracken
CoDesigner: Jean Haley
Model: Jean Haley
Materials Used: navy, fuchsia wool suit fabric, teal suede linen print, wool scraps
Leaves Piece by piece
Designer: Sue McCracken
CoDesigner: Jean Haley
Model: Lauren Cowan
Materials Used: Wool knit and cotton jerseys
Paisley Piece by piece
Designer: Sue McCracken
Model: Liz Brown
Materials Used: navy polyester double knit fabric and cashmere paisley shawl
Fahrenheit 910
Designer: Jaimmie Ford
Model: Jaimmie Ford
Materials Used: one piece jumpsuit, two dresses, damaged fitted bed sheet
Designer: Vic Streiff
Model: Vic Streiff
Materials Used: discarded denim, zipper from Opportunity House, velcro and elastic from a hat
Cream Attire
Designer: Evelina Kruize
Model: Evelina Kruize
Materials Used: two old dresses
Black Widow
Designer: Sonya Lee
Model: Kelsey Bailey
Materials Used: two old dresses
Tinkerbelle at 73
Designer: Jane Matranga
Model: Jane Matranga
Materials Used: t-shirts and repurposed slips
Frida Kahlo Duvet Cover Dress
Designer: Katy Newton
Model: Kelly Meyer
Materials Used: bodycon dress and duvet cover
Waist Not– Want Not
Designer: David Ebbinghouse
Model: Niki Irvine
Materials Used: jean waist bands, beer can collars, plastic strapping with reflective laser paper and mylar
Rainbow Bride
Designer: Katherine G Newton
Model: Jeanne Smith
Materials Used: wedding dress, fake flowers, acrylic paint, spray paint and plastic jewels
Janiece Jaffee Dedication
Written by Yaël Ksander
Video by Lucas Lim
Listen to & Purchase Janiece Jaffee’s latest CD called Both Sides of Joni.

Thank You To Our Sponsors

Designer: Katherine G Newton
Model: Mary Beth Shrock
Materials Used: paper, crayon, paint, staples, glue, upholstery vinyl, old zipper and discarded dress
Mati Ukraine- translation- (Mother Ukraine)
Designer: Chandra Rettinger
Model: Martha Werbiansky
Materials Used: blue tarp, yellow mesh fruit bags, yellow rope and yellow plastic bags
Garfield Forever
Designer: Carol Hedin
CoDesigner: Sadie Hedin
Model: Carol Hedin
Materials Used: Garfield newspaper comics backed by recycled white paper assembled with packing tape and velcro adhesive
Garfield’s Got a New Girlfriend
Designer: Carol Hedin
CoDesigner: Sadie Hedin
Model: Sadie Hedin
Materials Used: Garfield newspaper comics backed by recycled white paper assembled with packing tape and velcro adhesive
Balloon Bliss
Designer: Kenzie Mills
Model: Kenzie Mills
Materials Used: metallic balloons, pop tabs, shelf liner, felt and plaid fabric scraps
Wasted Daze
Designer: Lori Frye
CoDesigner: Carmen & Leia Frye
Model: Carmen Frye
Materials Used: crocheted plastic yarn (plain), clasp from broken room divider, divider material, shredded paper
Wade this Way
Designer: Bettina Kehoe
Model: Ethan Pilrose
Materials Used: fabric, handles and straps from old inner tube cover
Manifested Mosaic
Designer: Chandra Rettinger
Model: Tonda Lee Radewan
Materials Used: white table cloth, plastic lids, red stir straws, plastic rings from twist off caps
Green Eco-Queen
Designer: Chandra Rettinger
Model: Courtney Stewart
Materials Used: green table cloth, plastic lids, plastic bands from ice cream containers, green corrugated straws, black straws and white plastic rings
Girls just wanna have fun
Designer: Emma Taylor
Model: Kaia Ebel
Materials Used: plastic sheets and broken CDs
Soda Pop
Designer: Clio Radewan
CoDesigner: Ruby Laster
Model: Clio Radewan
Materials Used: soda tabs, fishing line and gift wrap ribbon
Funky Junk
Designer: Cassie Kramer
Model: Cassie Kramer
Materials Used: vinyl canvas banners, soccer ball, karate belt, pool floaties, recycled zipper and recycled tape straps
Robe a la Indiana
Designer: Cynthia Roberts
CoDesigner: Kaye Welch
Model: Jillian Smock
Materials Used: upholstery fabric, old skirt, cotton duvet, old jacket
Plastic Patience
Designer: Jenna Reed
Model: MaKayla Mickelson
Materials Used: crochet plastic bags (plarn)
Obsidian Dragon
Designer: Pierce
Model: Pierce
Materials Used: Kroger bag, wire and duct tape
Bloomington Trashion Submission 2023 (bagged ballerina)
Designer: Ella Smith
Model: Ella Smith
Materials Used: chicken wire, cardboard, plastic bags, paper, makeup wipes, elastic band hot glue, bubble wrap, fabric scraps, plastic bottles, confetti, candy wrappers, unknown plastic
Ancient techniques, new clothes
Designer: Vic Streiff
Model: Vic Streiff
Materials Used: tablecloth, dyed plastic, cloth shower curtain
Weighted Innocence
Designer: Lori Frye
CoDesigner: Carmen Frye
Model: Carmen Frye
Materials Used: floor mat, tyvek, screen, wire ties, banner
Colorful NiteLife
Designer: Bella McComas
CoDesigner: Mimi Laithang
Model: Mimi Laithang
Materials Used: embroidery thread, tyvek, mesh netting, rubber bands, paper clips, safety pins
Skittle Dress
Designer: Neva Livingston
Model: Neva Livingston
Materials Used: 78 Skittle wrappers, glue, fishing line, repurposed shoes
Designer: Xue (Sue Lee) Li
Model: Sadie Stewart Ingersoll
Materials Used: paper, lace, ribbon, old fabric, thread
Thank You To Our Sponsors

She’s got baggage!
Designer: Carrie French
Model: Carrie French
Materials Used: grocery bags, decorative garland
Rose Shine
Designer: Jeanne Smith
Model: Kelly Everitt
Materials Used: Goodwill fabric and old lampshade
From Vogue to vogue
Designer: Miranda Hirl
Model: Miranda Hirl
Materials Used: Vogue magazine pages, canvas logo, denim, interfacing paper
Designer: Aaliya Eells
Model: Aaliya Eells
Materials Used: junk mail, paper book covers
Designer: Jackie Arellano
CoDesigner: Jenna Hamdan
Model: Jenna Hamdan
Materials Used: black trash bags, clear plastic bags, red lanyard strings, left over yarn, beads, candy scraps, cotton webbing
Dressed for ‘Success’
Designer: Lilly Rust
Model: Lilly Rust
Materials Used: Deb Christiansen’s 4-H award ribbons, gift ribbon
Corset Dress
Designer: MK Asbell
Model: MK Asbell
Materials Used: old magazines, Saran wrap, tape hangers and cardboard
A Cluster of Stars
Designer: Sophie Rousseau
Model: Maia Kachler
Materials Used: trash bags, sequin, beads, paper safety pins
Trashy Wedding
Designer: Sam Bang
CoDesigner: Robbie Fisher
Model: Cassie Kramer
Materials Used: trash bags, plastic packaging, Goodwill bags, old wedding dress
Sarre Silk Salvaged
Designer: Jeanne Smith
Model: Kirin Clawson
Materials Used: drawstring bags made from silk saris
From Glory To Glory: The R(w)oman Gladiator
Designer: Kevin Addison
Model: Zora Bolten-Davis
Materials Used: polyester, vinyl posters & banners
Blooming Grace
Designer: Lonnie McCarley
Model: Hannah Doell
Materials Used: tarp, cardboard, dyed felted wool, poster paper
Chip Bag Dress
Designer: Caroline Eades
Model: Caroline Eades
Materials Used: chip bags, zipper
Designer: Vic Streiff
CoDesigner: Lilah Streiff
Model: Vic Streiff
Materials Used: bubble wrap, compression socks & sleeves, zippers, old t-shirt
Budget Ballerina
Designer: Felice Pierce
Model: Felice Pierce
Materials Used: cardboard, dog food bags, twist tops
Nature’s End
Designer: Joshua Streiff
CoDesigner: Lilah Streiff
Model: Lilah Streiff
Materials Used: dumpster fabrics, aluminum framing strips, sheet metal, backpack straps, playmate foam, dyed hot glue
Trip the Light Fantastic
Designer: Jaimmie Ford
Model: Jaimmie Ford
Materials Used: silver pillowcase, CDs, floral wire, coat hanger
Legendary Armor
Designer: Lizz Mattingly
Model: Lizz Mattingly
Materials Used: football pads, tablecloths, vent tape from Dad’s garage, table runner, plastic beaded necklaces
Easy Belizey
Designer: Mary Jane Matranga
Model: Jane Matranga
Materials Used: king size white sheet
Puffer Grocery Princess
Designer: Maia Schmucker
Model: Madison Sherhouse
Materials Used: plastic grocery bags, hot glue, thread
Designer: Tatyana Kuzmina
Model: Valeria Van Hoff
Materials Used: pinata, Disney Mickey train toy, plastic easter eggs, toilet paper rolls, wrapping paper, felt appliques
Mycelium Maiden
Designer: Pat Anderson
Model: Ramya Enganti
Materials Used: muslin, waxed twine, mycellium paper, thread, wood glue
All that Glitters
Designer: Pat Anderson
Model: Maggie Anderson
Materials Used: old stadium blankets, costume jewelry (plastic pearls), glue
bandage/bondage dress
Designer: David Ebbinghouse
Model: Emma Hedges
Materials Used: elastic straps, soda can tabs, laser paper, aluminum blinds, plastic straps
Designer: David Ebbinghouse
Model: Pixie Conway
Materials Used: umbrella, drawstring, onion bags, old sneakers & converses
Trash Angel
Designer: Amanda Citron
CoDesigner: Lucy Battafarano
Model: Maren Schiader
Materials Used: waterbottles, scrap fabric, chicken wire, and tablecloth
Premier Sponsor

Significant Contributions By
Pat Anderson – Fundraising
Adriane Pontecorvo – DJ
Jenett Tillotson – Tech Support
Devta Kidd & Yaël Ksander – Script
Gail Gayer Hale & Bettina Kehoe – Backdrop
Sophia Wang and Jeanne Smith – Social Media
Deb Christiansen & Kelly Richardson – Runway Managers
Nicki Stewart Ingersoll & Stephen Hale – Co-Producers
Website: David Martin Design
Photography: Lucas Lim / Arclight Collective LLC
Music: Bensound, Hooksounds
Backdrop By Gail Gayer Hale & Bettina Kehoe
Materials include yellow strapping double woven through medication ID rings.
All materials from Mary Hunter’s Materials for the Arts at MCSWMD Recycle Center
Made with help from Bell Trace volunteers and Anna Martin, Bell Trace Life Enrichment Director
2023 Trashion Committee
Pat Anderson
Deb Christiansen
Stephen Hale
Nicki Stewart Ingersoll
Bettina Kehoe
Devta Kidd
Yaël Ksander
Kelly Richardson
Jeanne Smith
Jenett Tillotson
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